Taverham Mill
River Wensum |
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Oil painting by Alfred Priest 1836 |
Taverham Mill
was in Domesday with the village being listed as Taursham. It started
life as a corn mill and later went on to grind bone for fertiliser and
furze for animal fodder. For a time it was also a sawmill but it is best
known as a paper mill. The earliest record of a mill at Taverham was 1274 and the the earliest record of paper manufacture at Taverham
was in 1701, when a leading printer in Norwich, Francis Burgess, published
a pamphlet entitled Some observations on the Use and Origin of the
Noble Art and Mystery of Printing. In it he stated that "Paper
for printing may be bought cheap at the paper-mills at Tabram within 4
miles of Norwich."
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c.1890 |
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c.1890 |
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In the earlier of its paper making days, Taverham helped to break the near monopoly held by the White Paper Maker's Co., which tried to put through an Act of Parliament to stop the use of white rags to make brown paper in order to keep the price down. Rags were collected by women in the Taverham district and brought to the mill to be stripped into shreds. The material was then soaked, cleaned and left to ferment to different colours. This process was then accelerated by the addition of lime obtained from the pit in Costessey Lane. It was then mechanically pummelled by hammers driven by cams operated by the waterwheel. The resulting pulp was then run off into large flat screens and trays to settle, dry and be pressed. |
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Early in the 19th century there were two separate plants, one for making brown paper and the other white. It also had its own plant for making the oil gas which it used for lighting the works, which usually ran night and day. The total area covered by the buildings was over 4 acres. In the latter half of the 19th century the mill had 3 waterwheels, one of which was described as being 15 feet in diameter, 25 feet wide and capable of producing 40 h.p. These wheels worked with 11 steam engines to produce about 25 tons of pure white paper per day employing 150 workers, the majority being women but it was only men that staffed the night shift. Rags were collected from the surrounding area and brought the mill where women removed all the buttons and hooks and then stripped the rags into into shreds. Water came from the river and lime came from the pits in Costessey Lane. The finished paper was then taken by cart or lorry to Norwich railway station. |
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1907 Post Card |
Taverham produced
good quantities of high quality paper, which is the main reason it survived
for so long. |
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Taverham paper watermark on letter wrtten on 29th January 1798 by Lord Horatio Nelson |
Lyng and Taverham Paper Mills |
The Partnership of HAMERTON and ANSTED expired on the tenth
Day of October last, they therefore take this Opportunity of resuming
their joint Thanks to their Friends for the Favours conferred on them,
and beg Leave to inform them, that the Trade of the above Mills will in
future be carried on for their separate Accounts by John HAMERTON,
at Lyng, and John ANSTED and Son, at Taverham, where the Favours
of their Friends will be very thankfully received. -- Any Person who has
any Demand on the said Partnership Account are desired to send in
their Bills, that they may be discharged. They have by them a regular
Assortment of every Kind of Paper (that is to say) Writing and Printing
Imperial, Writing and Printing Royal, Writing and Printing Medium,
Writing and Printing Demy, Writing and Printing Post, Writing and
Printing Copy, Writing and Printing Fools-cap, Writing and Printing
Pot, Crowns of every Sort, and every Sort of Packing Paper for the
Manufactory, particularly of Atlas, large and small; Elephant, large and
small; Royal, large and small; Demy, large and small; Brown and Hand
Elephant, Brown and Hand Royal, Shop Paper, Bonnet Paper that will
fence Water, and every Article whatsoever in the Paper Trade. The best
Price is also continued for fine Rags, and every kind of Paper Stuff. N.B. To be Lett, and entered upon immediately, or at Lady-day next, a handsome well built House, Brick and Tile, situated in Lyng aforesaid, with Garden and Orchard, well-planted with all Sorts of Fruit Trees; also a four-stalled Stable and six Acres of rich Pasture Land thereunto belonging, and Right of Commonage on two very extensive Commons. Lyng is a small pleasant village and in a very good Neighbourhood, five Miles from East Dereham; four from Reepham, and eleven from the City of Norwich. The said House is very convenient for a small Gentleman's Family, or for a Gentleman who is fond of sporting, being an exceeding good Country for Game of all Kinds. - A Pack of Hounds are kept within two Miles of the Said House. -- For Rent and further Particulars enquire of John HAMERTON, at Lyng Paper Mills. Norfolk Chronicle - 1st February 1783 |
In 1809 one of the first Fourdrinier paper making machines was installed at the mill. Previously paper had been made by hand in single sheets wheras the new machine produced a continuous web of paper, a process still in use today. |
In 1830 the Fourdrinier machine was badly damaged in one of the Captain Swing machine breaking riots. For his part in the riot, Robert West, a gardener, was transported to New South Wales, where he died in 1837. |
Taverham Mill papermakers - from Taverham Parish Register |
9th May 1813:
James Bourns & wife Catherine - son Frederick baptised 29th August 1822: Charles Burgess, papermaker, married to Hannah - daughter
Elizabeth baptised |
A melancholy accident happened at Taverham Paper Mill, on Wednesday morning last, by the falling in of the floor of a rag loft. There were at the time sixteen persons at work in the room underneath cutting and weighing rags, and it was at first feared that many of them had perished, and it was soon found that a man (the overseer) and a woman had been killed, the remainder of the persons were taken from the ruins, and had providentially received no serious injury. A Coroner's Inquest was held on the bodies of the deceased man and woman, when a verdict of Accidental Death was returned.
Norfolk Chronicle - Saturday 18th May 1839 |
Thomas Skipper was on Monday last brought before Saml. Bignold, Esq. on the charge of stealing a brass cock or syphon, weighing 160 lbs. the property of Messrs. Robberds and Day, paper manufacturers, at Taverham in this county, in whose employ the prisoner has lately been at Lyng. He was apprehended in London, by Sergeant Peck, A., of the Norwich Police force, and was by Mr. Bignold remanded for further examination.
Norfolk Chronicle - Saturday 29th June 1839 |
Thomas Skipper, aged 28, was convicted of having, in the month of Oct. last, stolen from a cottage at Taverham, one metal cock and plug, the property of Henry Robberds and Star??ing Day. - The prisoner was found guilty and was sentenced to 7 years' transportation.
Norfolk Chronicle - Saturday 6th July 1839 |
Thomas (my g-g-g-grandfather) was captured following an advertisement in the Police Gazette on 1st April 1839 and sent to the Prison Hulk York at Gosport where he served four of his seven years.
Clare Daley - 20th January 2008Although not named in the newspaper report, the man killed was Richard Clarke, whose name appears several times in the Parish Register (above) on your site. The manner of his death is mentioned in a petition document requesting Thomas's early release from prison.
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Petition to obtain the freedom of Thomas Skipper - 1841 |
Taverham. - This quiet sequestered village has been for some time past in a very depressed state in consequence of the stoppage of the Paper Mills. We understand that Mr. Bligh, of Ipswich, has taken the mills, and that in this rural retreat the hum of busy industry will soon again be heard. Mr._Thorold, of this city, has engaged to remove the whole of the old works for the assignees. The new proprietor intends to fill the building with entirely new apparatus and machinery of the most improved kind, and he expects to manufacture some kinds of paper much cheaper than they can be produced at present. From the practical knowledge of the business possessed by Mr. Bligh, there is every prospect that these mills will in future be worked with more success than they have hitherto been.
Norfolk Chronicle - 30th April 1842 |
Thorold, millwright, engineer and founder refitted the mill and the
old machinery was later sold.
Norfolk Chronicle - 29th October 1842 |
To Paper Makers
Steam Boiler, eight horse power, Force Pump, with Pipes and Apparatus,
Water Pump, Iron Pipes, Water Wheel, Head Frame, Gate Tackle, Bars of Foreign
Iron, Pit Wheel and Pinions, Iron Screws and Presses, Indigo Mill. Donkin's
Patent Paper Machine, with Rollers, Rule Carriages and Apparatus, removed
from the Paper Mills, at Taverham. |
Respectfully informs the Public, he is Instructed to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, On Wednesday, the 5th of April, 1843, At the Foundry Bridge Wharf, and Jay's Wharf, St. Margaret's, Norwich. THE FOLLOWING VALUABLE MACHINERY, AT THE FOUNDRY WHARF Beginning at Eleven o'clock, |
A Capital STEAM ENGINE, eight horse power, Force Pump with pipes and
apparatus, Steam Cage, two Safety Valves, Steam Pipe and Cock, Iron Pipes
and Brass Cocks, eight Iron Screws with nuts and plates, Machine Water Wheel,
nine feet nine inches diameter, Water Wheel Shafts, two Plimmer Blocks and
Brasses, splendid Iron Press, with Iron Screw of very great Power, Pit Wheel,
in two parts, new Pit Wheel and Pinions, two Spur Wheels, an Indigo Mill
complete, quantity of Foreign Iron, and a variety of Screws, Bolts, Water
Pump and Pipes, &c. &c. |
Immediately after the Sale of the above will be Sold
Donkin's Patent Paper Machine, with all the rollers and apparatus thereto
belonging, two large Felts, Brass and Iron Rollers, a large Vat lined with
lead, brass cock, &c. with sundry parts of Machinery, &c. &c. Further particulars may be had on applying at Mr. Spelman's Offices, St. Giles' Street, Norwich. Norfolk Chronicle - 1st April 1843 |
In 1846 the mill was taken over by Messrs. Delane Magnay & Co. and then in 1884 by Mr. & Mrs. John Walter. |
High water mark is 5' 2½" from bottom of stone marked 1850 in millwall at front of main wheel. |
St. Ann's Iron Works, King St. Norwich,
June ..th 1858. Messrs. Delane, Magnay & Co. Gentlemen, I will undertake to deliver & fix on your Works at Taverham one Gas Holder, 13ft. Diameter, 8ft. Deep. made from sheet iron of 14 Gauge with all necessary stays and angle iron. Cast iron Tank 14ft, Dia., 8ft. deep, ½. thick with columns, Chain pulleys, counterbalance weights with inlet & outlet pipes. The whole to be completed to your satisfaction for the Sum of one hundred & twenty pounds. £120. I remain, Yr. Obedt. Servant, Thos. Smithdale. P. S. Sir, I think you mentioned to have the New Gas Holder 1ft. longer than the old one which you will perceive I have given in the Sketch forward with the first tender. |
St. Ann's Iron Works, King St. Norwich,
Aug 11th 1858. Messrs Delane, Magnay & Co. Gentlemen, I will undertake to complete and Deliver one Bolt Screwing Machine to turn from 3/8in. to 1¼ inches Diameter, with 8 Taps, 8 pair Dies, Nut, Tap & Die holder, Driving Apparatus with reversing Motion & Master Taps & turn key for the Sum of Fifty five Pounds. £55. 0. 0. Trusting you will favour me with your order, I remain, Your Obedient Servant, Thos. Smithdale. |
St. Ann's Iron Works,
King Street, Norwich, 5 April 1864. Messrs. Delane, Magnay, & Co., Gentlemen, Agreeable to your request I beg to hand you price for one Cast Iron Engine as per plan produced (without the Knives and Washing Bundle) will be eighty five pounds delivered at Norwich. £85. -. -. Waiting your reply, I have the honor to be, Gentlemen, Your Obt. Servt, Thos. Smithdale. |
King Street, Norwich,
June 10th 1865. Messrs. Delane, Magnay & Co, Gentlemen, Agreeably to your request I beg to say that I have carefully gone through the matter relative to the cost of the Hydraulic Hoist and find it will be about £70 with Pump and driving Wheel fixed. £70. 0. 0. I remain, Gentn. Your Obedt. Servt, Thomas Smithdale. |
J. H. Walter & Co. took over the running of Taverham mill on 11th October 1884 and Bawburgh_mill on 6th June 1885. |
Rate for Times reduced to 20/- from 20/10 and boards to be returned free. |
During the month and for some time after, many men away ill from the epidemic of influenza. At one time 13 away. Taverham Accounts Book - January 1890 |
Finished repairs to main beater wheel. Taverham Accounts Book - 14th October 1890 |
Bad financial year. Suspect owing to reduction in price and using more grass. Imbalance in price in coals and chemicals. Taverham Accounts Book - 10th October 1891 |
With the growth of population following the industrial revolution it was realised that logistically, Taverham was not ideal for paper manufacturing. In the days of horse drawn traffic, mills were dotted all over the country so that no long journey was required to the nearest town, printer or customer. With the coming of the railways everything changed and more centralised mills were established beside railway lines. The vast increase in paper consumption during the 19th century meant that in order to compete, it would be be necessary to install expensive, sophisticated and faster machinery. Transport costs were also rising, both for outgoing products and incoming raw materials, especially the coal used by the steam engines and the heating units. J. H. Walter & Co were only tenants of the Taverham Hall Estate and it was doubtful that the landlord would sanction further expansion and industrialisation of the village. |
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c.1924 |
Messrs. J. H. Walter & Co., proprietors
of Taverham Mills, the last remaining of the old paper mills in Norfolk,
have issued a circular stating: "Early in the year we had to submit
to a very heavy reduction in the price of paper. We felt that we could
only carry on the mills at a serious loss, and the balance sheet, which
we have just got out, fully confirms our impression. We have, therefore,
decided to shut down as soon as possible. |
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30th April 1977 |
30th April 1977 - note marks made by one of the old waterwheels to the right of the lower falls |
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Wheelrace May 1967 |
Wheelmarks and remains of axle (bottom left) May 1969 |
When it closed in 1899, Taverham Mill was the last of a dozen or more papermills in the county and by far the biggest. |
When the mill closed, one of the old scrapped boilers was used at a blacksmiths shop in Drayton. |
History of Taverham Mill |
Taverham paper-mill,
which was later to become the most important mill in the county, probably
started life in the closing years of the seventeenth century. The earliest
reference to the mill is in a small booklet by Francis Burges, published
by way of the justification of his introduction of the craft of printing
to Norwich in 1701. Answering the criticism that paper was more expensive
in Norwich than in London, Burges stated that 'paper fit for printing'
could be obtained from 'Tabram'
cheaply. In all probability the paper-maker to whom Burges was referring
was William Paultlock who was there until 1711 when his death was announced
in the Norwich Gazette of 25th August. The advertisement containing this
announcement shows that Paultlock also worked a corn-mill; all persons indebted
to him were required to pay their debts to his executor, 'or else they will be sued'. The succeeding ownership of the mill remains a mystery until 1758 when John Hamerton & Co. the paper-manufacturer at that time is recorded as having an apprentice named John Golden.' Hamerton insured the mill in 1768 and shortly afterwards took a man named John Anstead as his partner in the operation of both the Taverham and the Lyng paper-mills. The partnership expired in 1783 (see newspaper article near top of this page) and the two men parted on friendly terms, Hamerton taking the Lyng mill, and Anstead that at Taverham. A paper-maker named Isaac Brown from Taverham is also known to have died in 1776, he appears to have been illiterate (his will being signed only with a cross); he was perhaps one of the journeymen. Anstead continued as the proprietor of the mill until 1786, when his furniture, stock and trade (including dairying and brewing utensils, horses, cows wagons carts and ploughs) were advertised to be sold in the Norfolk Chronicle for the 29th April. He was buried at Taverham 14 September 1803, aged 77 (parish register). The next owner of the mill is not known, but it is marked on a map of Norfolk published by Faden in 1797. The mill attained its fame and importance in the early years of the nineteenth century when it was taken over by a partnership of two Norwich businessmen Francis Noverre and John Gilbert, and the famous Norwich printer Richard Mackenzie Bacon. The three partners invested large sums in the modernisation, and on 1st July 1807 Taverham was one of the first paper-mills in the country to be supplied with the newly patented Fourdrinier paper-making machines.' In this case the machine cost more than £1,000 and served four vats. It worked on the basis of producing a continuous roll of paper on a belt of wire moulds, rather than the old hand-method of producing individual sheets. It was only during the drying process that early machine-made paper was cut into sheets. Despite the large sums of money invested in Taverham mill the whole project was a disaster and the partnership was dissolved in 1812. The exact reason for the failure is not clear but may have been caused by teething troubles with the early design of the machine. In 1830 the mill was run by Robert Hawkes & Co., and from around 1836 by the company of Day and Robberds who also operated the mill at Lyng.' In 1845 the manufacturers were Messrs. Blyth and Milbourn, being taken over the following year by Delane Magnay & Co. who also operated the nearby Bawburgh paper-mill. From 1846 until the late 1880s the mill was at its zenith, using eleven steam engines as well as three water-wheels and employing an army of over one hundred workers. Paper was made for the 'Times' newspaper and for the 'Oxford English Dictionary'. From 1890 the mills were again under new ownership, this time by J. H. Walter & Co. who operated until 1899 but were unable to make either mill pay and closed them down. David Stoker |
I lived in Taverham Mill when I was a little boy 41 years ago (1963),
the estate was then being used for a chicken batteries business by Mr
Shroeder who my father worked for. |
I'm writing a biography of Bryan Donkin, who, as you say, visited the mill in October 1809, and met Richard M. Bacon. I think Simon Wilkin of Costessy put money into the mill when Bacon's partnership with Noverre and Burks failed in 1812, and between the two of them, Wilkin and Bacon lost everything and became bankrupt by 1816. I think it's unlikely that the first partnership failed because of Donkin's faulty paper-making machine: he'd started developing the machine in 1802 and it worked well. Bacon swindled Donkin out of several hundreds of pounds over their joint venture, a printing machine. |
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O. S. Map 1882 |
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O.S. Map 2005 Image reproduced under licence from Ordnance Survey |
1701: First
recorded reference to the mill by Francis Burges
White's 1864: Delane Magnay & Co |
If you have any memories, anecdotes or photos please let us know and we may be able to use them to update the site. By all means telephone 07836 675369 or
Nat Grid Ref TG 15841377 | Copyright © Jonathan Neville 2005 |