To Millers & others.
To be Sold by Auction By R. Cruso At the Sun Inn in Lynn, Norfolk On Tuesday 1 August 1820 at 5 o'c
(Unless sooner disposed of by
Private Contract)
A Very desirable FREEHOLD ESTATE situate in Congham within 7 miles of Lynn, consisting of a sunbstantial Wind Mill with two pair of French burr stones, flour dressing machione & going gears compleat, a horse mill with large granary over the same, a good dwelling house, barn, stable, cart lodge & requisite outbuildings all in good repair, with 11 acres (more or less) of arabel land thereto belonging.
The above premises are in the occupation of Mr. William Riches, the proprietor, who has a very considerable trade.
Possession will be given at lady day next.
Apply to Mr. Riches who will shew the premises or to Messrs. Jarvis, Attornies, Lynn.
Norfolk Chronicle - 1st, 8th, 22nd & 29th July 1820