

Drainage Mills (Windpumps)
Steam Mills

Hindringham post mill stood on the north side of the village. The Nat Grid Reference given is the one that most closely aligns with Faden's map of 1797, although two others have been noted within a short distance along the same road.

Hindringham, June 4, 1776
Notice is hereby given to all Persons who stand indebted to the Estate & Effects of Mr. RICHARD SIDNEY late of Hindringham aforesaid, Miller, deceased ... pay to ... Mr. William Thompson of Hindringham, Farmer, his Administrator ...
Norfolk Chronicle - 6th June 1776

To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT & entered upon immediately; all those Estates at Hindringham, near Holt, late the property of William Seel, deceased. The Wind Mill & Boulting Mills will be sold separate & the Landed Estate will be divided for the convenience of Purchasers.
For further particulars enquire of Mr. Henry Hagon of Letheringsett, near Holt, Norfolk.
This will be advertised no more.
Norfolk Chronicle - 9th January 1779

January 30, 1779

On Monday 8 February next
Will be Sold by Auction Between the Hours of 3 & 5 in the afternoon at the Feathers, Holt, Norfolk,
All those Estates in Hindringham, near Holt aforesaid, late the Property of William Seel deceased ...

Norfolk Chronicle - 6th February 1779

Norwich, August 5, 1780

Several Estates in the Parish of Hindringham in the county of Norfolk consisting of
Three Manors ...
There are on the Premises four good Farm Houses, a new Malthouse & Windmill; the Leases all expire at Michaelmas next; a Purchaser may have immediate Possession; there is Plenty of Game & some Timber.
for further Particulars enquire of Roger Kerrison, Esq. Banker at Norwich, Mr. Richard Reeve at Berney, of Mr. Daniel Jones, Attorney at Law at Fakenham in Norfolk.

Norfolk Chronicle - 5th, 12th & 19th August 1780

Hindringham, Norfolk

An Assignment in Trust
WILLIAM TOMPSON of Hindringham aforesaid, Farmer & Miller having assigned over his Effects in Trust for the equal Benefit of all his Creditors, they are requested to meet the Trustees at the Black Lion in Little Walsingham on Monday 24 December Instant at 11 o'c in the Forenoon ... accounts to Thomas Mendham of Briston. At the above Meeting a Person will be appointed to receive such Debts & sums of Money as are due to the said William Tompson ...
Norfolk Chronicle - 22nd December 1781

Hindringham, Norfolk, December 27, 1781

Situate in Hindringham aforesaid, together with one Rood & twenty Perches of Freehold Land on which it stands, will be Sold by Auction at the Black Lion in Little Walsingham by Henry Tagg, Upholder, Appraiser & Auctioneer, on Tuesday the 8th Day of January 1782, between the Hours of eleven & three, subject to such Conditions of Sale as will, then & there be produced.
At which Time & Place the several Persons who are indebted to Mr. Tompson are requested to attend & pay their respective Debts to his Trustees without further Delay; or before that Day to Thomas Mendham, Briston, Norfolk.
The said Windmill etc. may be viewed any Day before the Auction.
Mr. Stephen Warnes, of Hindringham aforesaid will shew the Premises.
Norfolk Chronicle - 29th December 1781 & 5th January 1782

Hindringham, February 28, 1782

At the Black Lion in Little Walsingham, Norfolk, on Monday 25th Day of March next, between the Hours of 2 & 5 in the Afternoon of the same day, subject to such Conditions of Sale as will be then & there produced (unless before disposed of by Private Contract, of which timely Notice will be given in this Paper)
TOMSON's WINDMILL with all its Going Geers as it now stands & one Rood & twenty Perches of enclosed Freehold Land (upon which the said Windmill is erected) situate in Hindringham aforesaid.
Persons disposed to treat for the Purchase of the said Mill & Land by Private Contract will be pleased to apply to Mr. Edward Beeston, Burnham Overy, Mr. Edmund Balls, Langham or Thomas Mendham, Briston, Norfolk.
Norfolk Chronicle - 2nd March 1782

Hindringham, April 11, 1782

Are requested to meet the Trustees of his Effects at the Black Lion in Little Walsingham, Norfolk, on Friday 26 April Inst. between the Hours of ten & four of the same Day, to receive a first Dividend arising from the Sale of his said Effects.
N. B. Such Creditors as cannot conveniently attend for the above Purpose at the Time & Place ...
Norfolk Chronicle - 13th & 20th April 1782

With all its Going-geers, Apparatus & one Rood & twenty Perches of Land on which it is built, situate in Hindringham, Norfolk, will be peremptorily SOLD by AUCTION to the highest Bidder, on Thursday 23rd Day of May Instant, between the Hours of two & four in the Afternoon of the said Day, by Henry Tagg, Auctioneer, at the Black Lion in Little Walsingham, Norfolk, subject to such Conditions of Sale as will then & there be produced, one of which Conditions is that the Purchaser of the said Premises shall pay the full Purchase Money into the Hands of the Trustees of Mr. Tompson's Effects immediately after the Sale.
For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Edward Beeston, Burnham Overy, Mr. Edmund Balls, Langham or Thomas Mendham, Briston, Norfolk.
Norfolk Chronicle - 18th May 1782

Briston, Norfolk, May 28, 1783

To the Creditors of William Tompson
The Creditors of William Tompson, late of Hindringham in the county of Norfolk, Farmer & Miller, are requested to meet at the House of Mr. Wilson known by the name of the Black Lion situate in Little Walsingham on Friday 13 June next at 11 o'c in the Forenoon to receive a final Dividend ...
Norfolk Chronicle - 31st May & 7th June 1783

O.S. Map 2007
O.S. Map 2007
Image produced with permission of Ordnance Survey

Tithe Award 1839
Map. W. G. Bircham, Surveyor, Fakenham
Owner: Rev. Robert Bond
Occupier: Timothy Winn

No. 123

First Mill Close


5a. 0r. 7p.
52a 3r. 13p.

£5 7s. V.
16. 3s. 6d Imp

part of

1776: Richard Sidney, miller, died

1778: William Seel, miller

c.December 1778: William Seel, miller, died

January 1779: Mill advertised for sale by private contract

February 1779: Mill advertised for sale by auction

August 1780: Mill advertised for sale by private contract

Faden's map 1797: Hindringham Wind Mill

December 1781: Mill advertised for sale by auction

March 1782: Mill advertised for sale by auction or private contract

Tithe Award 1839:
Owner: Rev. Robert Bond; Occupier: Timothy Winn, miller

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Nat Grid Ref TF98203720
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Copyright © Jonathan Neville 2007