Bawburgh Road towermill |
Marlingford Bawburgh Road tower windmill was built around 1780 and was probably first worked by tenant John Clover who was also working Marlingford watermill. The mill drove two pairs of French burr stones. |
Although every care and effort has been made to provide correct information, it is not clear from the available records as to which miller was at which mill in the early years. If any viewer can throw any further light by supplying additional information, it would be gratefully received. Mill options: Marlingford watermill | Marlingford Bawburgh Rd. towermill | Marlingford Honingham Rd. towermill |
Norwich, Sept. 19, 1783. Corn and Coal Trade. |
John CLOVER, Corn Buyer and Coal-Dealer, having taken the Granaries and Coal Bynns late Mr Theophilus EDWARD's, Merchant, deceased, situated in Wymondham, in Norfolk, solicits the Continuance of the Favours of Mr EDWARD's Friends and Customers, and also of the Farmers in general. |
SALE OF WHERRY late the property of John Clover deceased ... ... Debts to Joseph Clover and John Wright, Executors Norfolk Chronicle - 20th November 1784 |
To be SOLD |
The Remainder of a LEASE of which 13 years were unexpired at Michaelmas last of a WATER MILL at Marlingford... Also a very large new-erected WIND MILL; which Mill with such Things belonging to the Water Mill as are not the Property of the Landlord to be taken by the Purchaser of the Lease at a fair Valuation. The great Improvements made in the Mills by the late Tenant, Mr. John CLOVER, deceased, have rendered them capable of manufacturing from 12 to 14 Lasts of Wheat per week. For further Particulars apply to Mr. Joseph CLOVER or Mr. John WRIGHT, Norwich. Norfolk Chronicle - 13th & 20th November 1784 |
CORN MILLS To be SOLD For the Remainder of the Term, of which 12 years are unexpired. The LEASE of MARLINGHAM WATER MILLS For further Particulars apply to Mr. Joseph Clover or Mr. John Wright, Norwich N.B. A new-built TOWER WINDMILL to be SOLD with the above if desired. Norfolk Chronicle - 28th May & 4th, 11th, 18th & 25th June 1785 |
All Persons having any Demands on the Estate of John Clover, late of Marlingford Mills in the county of Norfolk, deceased, are desired to send in their accounts to Mr. Joseph Clover or Mr. John Wright of Norwich, Executors ... All Bakers & others having Flour Sacks in their Possession with John Clover's Mark & will deliver the same at the HAND in St. Benedicts on Tuesday 20th of this Instant September, shall receive Two pence per sack for all Sacks delivered at that Time. Attendance will be given to receive Sacks from Nine in the Morning till Four in the Afternoon, but none will be accepted but such as have Mr. Clover's mark. Norfolk Chronicle - 10th & 17th September 1785 |
Sun Fire Insurance Policy No. 421424 |
24 Nov. 1779: John Clover of Marlingford in Norfolk, Miller. On his Wind Mill and going gears therein situate as aforesaid not exceeding £250. Utensils and stock therein £150. |
Thomas Roper Signatory to Notice re SACK ASSOCIATION Norfolk Chronicle - 7th & 21st May 1791 |
Notice to Creditors of Mr. Girling, late of Great Melton, deceased ... accounts to Mr. Thomas Roper, Marlingford, Miller. Norfolk Chronicle - 18th June 1803 |
A most valuable and desirable RESIDENCE in NORFOLK abounding in game, and well calculated for a Gentleman wishing for business
Norfolk Cronicle - 26th June 1819To be SOLD by AUCTION Persuant to the directions of the Will of the late REV. THOMAS GREENE, towards the latter end of July or the beginning of August, in five lots Lot 2. A most valuable Watermill, with a good house, other buildings, and about 67 acres of excellent arable and meadow land, in Marlingford. |
re Act for establishing an uniformity of Weights & Measures (1825) (5th Geo. 5th (error for 4th) c. 74) |
Corn Bushell | Old Measure 2150.42 cubic ins. |
New Measure 2218.192 cubic ins. |
Difference 67.772 cubic ins. 1 quart more |
Norfolk Chronicle - 3rd December 1825 |
We the undersigned Merchants and Millers do hereby give notice that on and from the first day of January next all Corn taken in by us will be by the New Imperial Bushel as by Law established. ... Thomas Roper ... Norfolk Chronicle - 24th December 1825 |
MARLINGFORD near Norwich To be Sold by WM. SPELMAN on Tuesday 27 October 1829 The Entire and Valuable Stock ... on the Premises of Mr. T. Roper of Marlingford Mills, Norfolk ... Also a set of WINDMILL GEARS with machinery, sails, shafts etc. complete and two pairs of French Stones, a Boat with oars etc. Catalogues of the Auctioneer, Dukes Palace, Norwich. The Sale will commence at Eleven o'clock punctually. Norfolk Chronicle - 24th October 1829 |
Notice re Thomas Roper of Marlingford, Miller Deed of Assignment for benefit of Creditors Norfolk Chronicle - 24th October 1829 |
Notice to Creditors of Thomas Roper late of Marlingford, Miller Dividend of 9s 6d in the Pound Francis, Turner & West, Solrs. to the Trustees. Norfolk Chronicle - 6th November 1830 |
Notice re Deed of Assignment Thomas Roper late of Marlingford, Miller Norfolk Chronicle - 11th February 1832 |
Tithe Award 1839 |
No. 100 |
Barn Piece |
Pasture |
3a. 1r. 25p. |
Mill not shown on map or mentioned in award |
![]() |
O.S. Map 2005 Image reproduced under licence from Ordnance Survey |
My name is David Roper (73 years of age) and I live south of Adelaide - South Australia.
David F. Roper, Adelaide, Australia - 5th August 2013My great-grandfather William Henry Roper (travelling alone), arrived in South Australia as a fifteen year old lad on 5th January 1850, having been born at Hoxne in Norfolk from parents who had been flour millers at Marlingford until their move to Greenwich - London. His father named John was the son of Thomas Press Roper whose wife was Sarah nee Bradfield. My (Gt Gt Gt Grandfather) Thomas Press Roper died in 1843, and from the article on the Bawburgh Road Towermill I perused on the internet, it occurred to me that the Thomas Roper - Miller in that article could possibly be one in the same person as my relelation? My great grandfather William Henry bought and operated a (steam then oil engine) flour mill at Second Valley south of Adelaide from 1877, where it still stands to this day as a restaurant after being in the Roper family for 107 years at which time it passed to new owners in 1984. I have done authenticated research on 'my' Roper family from father to son from 1584. Thomas Press and his wife Sarah had two sons, John - my Gt Gt Grand father and George, and three daughters - Sarah, Mary and Ann. George was born 18.9.1793 at Marlingford, (was he George Roper - Miller 1836?) and John born 1.3.1786 at Marlingford removed to Greenwich and worked as a clerk for Mumfords at their flour mill in that locality until his eyesight deteriorated, then he worked for a Mr. Whitfield in the coal trade. With the advent of the 'industrial revolution' and possibly his fathers milling business being declared insolvent (presuming Thomas Roper was his father) then I can fully understand why he should seek a life elsewhere. |
1779: John Clover, miller 1783: John Clover, miller 1784: John Clover died November 1784: Mill lease advertised for sale along with lease of watermill May 1785: Mill lease advertised for sale along with lease of watermill 1789: Thomas Roper, miller, took on Thomas Eldred as an apprentice 1791: Thomas Roper, miller Faden's map 1797: Mill 1803: Thomas Roper, miller June 1819: Mill advedrtised for sale by auction as one of 5 lots after the death of Revd. Thomas Greene 1825: Thomas Roper, miller Bryant's map 1826: Marlingford Mill 1829: Thomas Roper, miller October 1829: Mill machinery advertised for sale by auction c.1830: Thomas Roper insolvent and left mill Greenwood's map 1834: Windmill White's 1836: Charles Brown, miller Tithe Award 1839: Mill site owner: Edward Lombe; occupier: William Atmore c.1839: Mill ceased working |
If you have any memories, anecdotes or photos please let us know and we may be able to use them to update the site. By all means telephone 07836 675369 or
Nat Grid Ref TG13850935 |
Copyright © Jonathan Neville 2004 |