Homeland Road towermill |
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Gaywood Homeland Road towermill and steam mill were adjacent and were probably worked together. The mils stood at the top of Homeland Road, which was the short road linking the mills with the Gaywood Road. The mill had a distinctive horizontally boarded ogee cap with a petticoat and ball finial similar to the one on nearby Gayton_towermill. A 6 bladed fan and a gallery were set on the back of the cap. The 5 storey mill had a stage at the second floor. Power was supplied by 4 double shuttered patent sails, each with 8 bays of 3 shutters that were struck by lever and set on an iron windshaft. In later years the windmill ran 2 pairs of 4ft. and one pair of 4ft. 6ins French burr stones, a flour machine, jumper and corn screens etc., although this had apparently been reduced to 2 pairs of stones by 1883. A horse mill was also being used to drive a flour mill by 1839. |
A steam mill was built alongside the windmill where a 12 h.p. engine powered a further four pairs of stones a flour dressing machine and an Excelsior Bran Duster. |
Tithe Award 1839 |
No. 530 |
Windmill & Pightle |
Pasture |
0a. 3r. 17p. |
Pt. of £9. 5/- |
To be Sold by Auction on 3 December at the Sun Inn, Lynn. An excellent brick Tower Wind Mill, in the Parish of Gaywood, late the property and in the occupation of Mr. George Onyon, deceased, and now in full trade, built about twenty years, patent Sails (new), strikes with lever, iron shaft, winds herself, driving three pairs of good French stones (one pair 4ft. 6ins. and 2 pairs 4ft.), with corn screens, flour machine & jumper, flour mill (to which is attached a small horse wheel), together with granary, two stables and cart shed. Immediate possession may be had. Stamford Mercury - 22nd November 1839 |
An excellent Situation for a Miller Within a Quarter of a Mile of the Port of Kings Lynn To be Peremptorily Sold by Auction by Mr. Cruso on Tuesday 3rd December 1839 at 6 0'c at the Sun Inn, Lynn. An excellent Brick Tower Wind Mill (now in Full Trade) in the parish of Gaywood, late the property and in the occupation of Mr. George Onyon, decd., built about 20 years ago, patent sails (new), strikes with lever, iron shaft, winds herself, driving 3 pairs of good French stones (one pair 4ft. 6ins. and 2 pairs 4ft.), with corn screens, flour machine & jumper, flour mill to which is attached a small horse mill wheel, with all their going geers complete, granary, with 3 chambers, 2 stables, hay loft, cart shed & piggery. Also a good dwelling house near consisting of 2 parlours, kitchen, scullery, dairy, pantry, 5 bedrooms, garden & pasture containing altogether 1 acre. Immediate possession of the Mill may be had & of the house on or before Lady Day next. For further particulars apply to Messrs. Jarvis, Solicitors, Lynn or the Auctioneer. All persons having any demands on the said George Onyon are requested to send an account of the same to Mr. George Plowright Jnr. Lynn or to Mr. Rogers of Congham, the Executors ... Lynn, November 21, 1839 Norfolk Chronicle - 23rd November 1839 |
An excellent Situation for a Miller Within a Quarter of a Mile of the Port of Kings Lynn To be Peremptorily Sold by Auction by Mr. Cruso on Tuesday 10th December 1839 at 6 0'c at the Sun Inn, Lynn. An excellent Brick Tower Wind Mill (now in Full Trade) in the parish of Gaywood, late the property and in the occupation of Mr. George Onyon, decd., built about 20 years ago, patent sails (new), strikes with lever, iron shaft, winds herself, driving 3 pairs of good French stones (one pair 4ft. 6ins. and 2 pairs 4ft.), with corn screens, flour machine & jumper, flour mill to which is attached a small horse mill wheel, with all their going geers complete, granary, with 3 chambers, 2 stables, hay loft, cart shed & piggery. Also a good dwelling house near consisting of 2 parlours, kitchen, scullery, dairy, pantry, 5 bedrooms, garden & pasture containing altogether 1 acre. Immediate possession of the Mill may be had & of the house on or before Lady Day next. For further particulars apply to Messrs. Jarvis, Solicitors, Lynn or the Auctioneer. All persons having any demands on the said George Onyon are requested to send an account of the same to Mr. George Plowright Jnr. Lynn or to Mr. Rogers of Congham, the Executors ... Lynn, November 21, 1839 Norfolk Chronicle - 30th November & 7th December 1839 |
To be Let, with immediate possession. A Steam and a Windmill, the former driving four pairs of stones, with Patent Machine and Flour Mill, and the latter two pairs of stones, situate at Gaywood, within half a mile of the harbour of Kings Lynn. Apply to Mr. T. Griffin, at the Mills. Stamford Mercury - 5th October 1849 |
Extract from the will of William Forster, a flour merchant from King's Lynn (1749-1804), |
… and I give, devise and bequeath unto my son Thomas Forster all that my windmill with the appurtenances and all buildings thereto belonging and near adjoining, situate standing and being in Gaywood in the said County of Norfolk, erected and built upon a piece of land belonging to the corporation of King’s Lynn aforesaid known by the name of the Mayor and Burgesses and which piece of land is held by me as assigned of an Indenture of Lease granted by the said Mayor and Burgesses. To hold the said windmill, buildings and all the apparatus and appurtenances. As also the residue and remainder of the Term or Term of Years of and in the said Lease which shall be to come and unexpired at the time of my decease unto him my said son Thomas, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns forever. Bob Merry - 27th December 2005 (descendant) |
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Mill working c.1885 |
To be sold by auction, by Messrs. Cruso and Hawkins, at the Globe Hotel, King's Lynn, on Tuesday March 15th, 1870, at three to four o'clock precisely.
ALL THAT FREEHOLD BRICK TOWER MILL, with going gears complete, situate in Gaywood, in the county of Norfolk, well calculated to carry an extensive trade, being within half a mile of King's Lynn.
The mill is a lofty tower, with five floors, which will contain seven or eight lasts of corn; with three pairs of French stones and screens complete, winding tackle and patent sails, an excellent flour chamber, horse mill and jumper, together with an outside apparatus for steam power when required; and will grind four to five lasts per week.
Also, a capital DWELLING HOUSE, suitable for residence of a family, and a grass pightle and good garden, containing 1 acre (more or less), with stable and outbuildings.
For further particulars, apply to the auctioneers Lynn and Downham; or to Messrs. Coulton & Beloe, Solicitors, King's Lynn.
Lynn Advertiser - 5th March 1870 |
GAYWOOD Re ROBERT EVERETT & SON Notice is hereby given that the Partnership lately subsisting between Robert Everett & Frith Everett, both of Narborough in the county of Norfolk, in the business of Millers, Merchants & Bakers, carried on at Narborough & Gaywood Mills in the said county, determined on the 28th day of May last by the death of the said Robert Everett& that the Business is now carried on by the said Frith Everett alone. And all persons having any Claims or Demands against the late Partnership Firm are requested to send particulars of their respective Claims & Demands to the said Frith Everett forthwith & all persons who stood indebted to the said Partnership Firm are requested to pay the amount of their respective debts to the said Frith Everett forthwith. Dated this 20th day of September 1870 |
T. G. Archer, Solr. To the Executor of the said Robert Everett & the said Frith Everett |
Lynn Advertiser - 24th September 1870 |
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Mill working c.1900 |
Lynn Advertiser - Saturday 22nd April 1876Thursday morning ... The meeting then sat as the vestry for Srt. Nicholas Chapel ... The lease held by Mr. Bath, Broad Street was renewed on the same terms as before. That held by Mr. Everett fro the Mill at Gaywood was renewed for 21 years; the rent to be increased from £23 to £30. It was stated that Mr. Everett was going to build a house on the land, to be removed at the expiration of the lease or taken by the Chapelwardens at valuation. |
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c.1900 |
c.1905 |
Highgate infants' school, which opened in 1877, is in the foreground of the above two photographs |
Norfolk, NARBOROUGH & GAYWOOD Norfolk Chronicle & Lynn Advertiser - 14th July 1883 |
Norfolk, NARBOROUGH & GAYWOOD IN NARBOROUGH Lot 1. Narborough Water Mill Lot 2. Residence Lot 3. Dwelling houses IN GAYWOOD Lot 4. The GAYWOOD STEAM & WIND MILLS with Dwelling house, Garden, Cottage & Pasture Land adjoining. Norfolk Chronicle & Lynn Advertiser - 21st July 1883 |
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O.S. map 1888 - redrawn by Harry Apling |
Messrs. Cruso & Wilkin have received instructions from the Trustees under a Deed of Assignment to Sell by Auction on Thursday September 9, 1897 all the valuable & well conditioned HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE & other Effects belonging to Mr. Frith Everett. |
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O.S. map 1905 - redrawn by Harry Apling |
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Lynn Advertiser - 27th March 1908 |
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Lynn Advertiser - 21st June 1912 |
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c.1913 with only two sails |
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Lynn Advertiser - 1st May 1914 |
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Lynn Advertiser - 21st June 1912 |
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Section of 1881 map of Kings Lynn |
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O. S. Map 1884 Homeland Rd towermill - upper centre Loke Road postmill - top centre Almshouse Lane towermill - bottom centre right Courtesy of NLS map images |
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O. S. Map 1904 Homeland Rd towermill - lower centre Loke Road postmill - top centre Courtesy of NLS map images |
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O.S. Map 2005 Image produced under licence from Ordnance Survey |
c.1800: William Forster, miller & flour merchant, Kings Lynn |
c.1820: Mill built |
If you have any memories, anecdotes or photos please let us know and we may be able to use them to update the site. By all means telephone 07836 675369 or
Nat Grid Ref TF62502053 |
Copyright © Jonathan Neville 2004 |