northern towermill |
Sprowston northern tower mill stood to the north of the southern_towermill and a few yards to the west of the eastern_mill on the same site. All three mills stood in the area of gravel pits, clay pits and brickfields serving much of the building needs of the city. Sprowston_postmill stood a short distance further north. |
The mill was the subject of an etching by John Crome in 1810 that went on to hang in the National Gallery. The etching showed the mill and Sprowston postmill together. |
Commission of Bankrupt awarded against Robert Calver, of the City of Norwich, Miller.
London Gazette - 4th February 1826 |
Robert Calver of Norwich, Miller, Dealer & Chapman to surrender 17 February Norfolk Chronicle - 4th February 1826 |
Oak, Ash & Elm Timber
To be Sold by Auction By Wm. Spelman On Friday 3 March 1826 |
A considerable quantity of TIMBER now lying in a yard adjoining the Mill in the occupation of Mr. ROBT. CALVER at Catton near the city, of Norwich, consisting of a quantity of . . . Sale will commence at Ten o'clock precisely. Norfolk Chronicle - 25th February 1826 |
To Millers, Bakers and the Public
To be Sold by Auction By WM. SPELMAN On Saturday 25 February 1826 At half past one o'clock at Mr. Squire's Granary, Dukes Palace Wharf, Norwich By Order of the Asssignees of Mr. Robert Calver |
264 Sacks of Whites, Households and Stale FLOUR |
Meeting of Creditors under Bankruptcy of ROBERT CALVER of Norwich, Miller, Dealer and Chapman
27 March instant
Norfolk Chronicle - 4th March 1826 |
CALVER'S Bankruptcy |
The Commissioners in a Commission of Bakruptcy bearing date 19 January 1826 against Robert Calver of Norwich, Miller to meet 14 Septembere next to audit accounts. Norfolk Chronicle - 26th August 1826 |
Notice re Robert Calver, Norwich, Miller, bankrupt 19 January 1826. meeting to declare a final dividend 12 December 1828. Norfolk Chronicle - 29th November 1828 |
Tithe Award 1844
Map - W. S. Millard & Son, Norwich, 1843 |
Owner: Robert Calver Occupier: Robert Calver |
No. 415 | Mills & Yard | Pasture | 1a. 3r. 17p. | 3s. 9d. |
![]() |
Tithe map 1843 as redrawn by Harry Apling Northern mill in red and eastern mill in blue at 415 Southern mill at 411 Sprowston postmill at 337 |
The Saw Mills, SPROWSTON
Mr. Butcher is instructed to Sell by Auction at the Royal Hotel, Norwich on Thursday 29 August 1850 at 4 o'c. |
Robert Calver had some time previously been at Catton_towermill. In 1851 he was given as a Mill sawyer employing 2 men, living at Rosary House, Thorpe Road with his wife Anne (55). |
Stealing Timber. – On Saturday last, Wm. Hart, sawyer, of this city, was fully committed take his trial at the next quarter sessions of the county, for stealing a quantity of ash timber from the park at Melton Constable, the property of Mr. R. Calver, timber merchant, which Hart and others was employed to cut and take care of. |
Edward Austin had taken the mill by 1856. He was born c.1815 in Norwich. One of his employees stole a saw from him in November 1862. |
David Reubens, sawyer, of St. James’, was brought up for stealing a saw, the property of Edward Austin, of Sprowston, who employed the prisoner in his mill. – Prosecutor said the saw was safe about a month ago, but on inquiring of the prisoner he found that he had pawned it. Prosecutor did not lend him the saw, which was worth about 4s. – Mr. Morgan, pawnbroker, Magdalen-street, with whom it was pledged, said the saw, with a plane, was pledged for 1s. 6d., in the name of Reubens. – Prisoner, in defence, said he did not intend to steal it. He borrowed the saw to do some work at home, but as prosecutor owed him some money he pawned it. – The bench committed him to prison for a fortnight, with hard labour. |
The “Royal Oak,” with Two Acres of Land, a Saw Mill, House, and brick yard MESSRS SPLEMAN have received instructions to SELL by AUCTION, on Thursday, the 8th day of December, 1864, at Six for Seven o'clock in the Evening, at the Norfolk Hotel, the following Freehold PROPERTY: - |
In the High Court of Justice |
In the matter of the Norwich and Norfolk Provident Permanent Benefit Building Society, |
In the Matter of “The Companie’s Acts, 1862 and 1867.” Freehold, Leasehold, and Copyhold Property, in and near the City of Norwich, and at Yoxford, in the County of Suffolk. TO BE SOLD, pursuant to an order made in the above Matters, with the approbation of the Vice-Chancellor, Sir Charles Hall, by |
The person appointed by the said Judge, on Tuesday, the 14th of March, 1876, at the Royal Hotel, Norwich, at Six for Seven o'clock in the Evening, in Ten Lots. AT SPROWSTON, NORFOLK. Lot 1. – All that Freehold TOWER WINDMILL and COTTAGE, and about 90 Rods of Land appurtenant thereto, now in the occupation of Alfred Walker. Annual rental value £12. 0s. 5d. Particulars and Conditions of Sale may be had of the Official Liquidator, Mr. Samuel Culley, Queen Street, Norwich; of Messrs. Whites, Renard, and Co., 28, Budge Row, Cannon Street, London, E.C., of the Auctioneer, Bank Plain, Norwich; and of the Vendor’s Solicitor. Dated this 8th day of February, 1876. |
H. F. Church |
Norfolk Chronicle - 26th February, 4th & 11th March 1876 |
William Rump took the mills, having some time previously been at Mousehold Black mill on Mousehold. |
Before the MAYOR (F. E. Watson, Esq.), W. J. UTTEN BROWNE, H. WOODCOCK, and J. G. JOHNSON, Esqs. John Rump, of Sprowston, was charged with stealing some sacks, the property of his father. The boy was stopped by a police officer, who had suspicion that the sacks he and another boy were carrying had been stolen. The account given not being satisfactory, the prisoner was taken into custody, but the other boy got off. As the father of the prisoner did not appear, the case was ordered to stand over till Friday. Norfolk Chronicle - 29th December 1866 |
Alfred Walker was recorded in Kelly's of 1883 as being at New Catton Philadelphia west sawmill |
1826: Mill working as a corn mill 1858: Edward Austin, sawmiller 1859: Edward Austin, sawmiller |
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Nat Grid Ref TG24071072
-1807 to 1876+
historical written material within this page © Michael Roots & Jonathan Neville |
design and website © Jonathan Neville, Norfolk Mills 2018 |