postmill |
Honingham postmill stood to the southwest of the village a short distance to the west of the later towermill. In the late 1700s and the early 1800s the mill was being worked in conjunction with Honingham watermill. |
Marriage 1768: Thomas Eastoe and Susanna Clarke Will Proved 07/11/1708 Under £300 (death duty register IR26/393 238) Executrix Elizabeth Lubbock, wife of William Lubbock& sister of deceased Anne Eastoe's 1847 will refers to 'my grave, my father's & mother's, Charlotte's, Maria's, Susan's, and my brother's, and my father's first wife's'. Also named were Thomas Eastoe Lubbock, Henery Eastoe Lubbock and Edward Eastoe Lubbock as 'my 3 nephews', making Elizabeth Lubbock her sister. |
Information supplied by Bill Eastoe - 13th April 2010 |
Will of Thomas Eastoe |
Executors:- | Ann, wife, executrix William Hook, Bintry, Miller Edward Wells, Hockering, Carpenter |
Water_Mills, Wind Mill, Lands, Tenements & Herediments to wife & Thomas Eastoe, son, for 6 years, then for sale dividing proceeds amongst wife & children. |
Notice to Debtors & Creditors of
Thomas Eastoe late of Honingham, Miller, deceased. Norfolk Chronicle - 30th April 1803 |
Notice to Debtors & Creditors of Thomas Eastoe late of Honingham, Miller, deceased. Norfolk Chronicle - 30th April 1803 |
Water Mill & Wind Mill |
At the Kings Arms Inn in East Dereham On Friday 9 December next at 4o'c. All that Freehold Dwelling House with every convenience necessary lately occupied by Mr. Thomas Eastoe, deceased, in Honingham, together with an exceeding good water_mill adjoining, in full trade & extremely well situated, being next to the Turnpike Road leading from East Dereham to Norwich (a good wheat country) with two pair of stones 4 feet diameter, a water wheel 14 feet diameter & 6 feet float, the water wheel, lanes, groundwork etc. are almost new, with all the going gears, implements and machinery complete. Also a Wind-Mill near. Eight miles from Norwich & 8 from East Dereham. Enquire of Messrs. Crisp & Son, East Dereham or Mr. Wells of Honingham, who will shew the premises. Norfolk Chronicle - 3rd December 1803 |
John Ringer Signatory to Notice re Purchase of Corn on One Month's Credit. See Corn file for Notice. Norfolk Chronicle - 29th October 1808 |
Robert Golden of East Tuddenham, farmer Assigned effects to John Ringer of Honingham, Miller for benefit of creditors Norfolk Chronicle - 30th July 1814 |
Marriage 1768: Thomas Eastoe jnr and Susanna Clarke |
If you have any memories, anecdotes or photos please let us know and we may be able to use them to update the site. By all means telephone 07836 675369 or email |
Nat Grid Ref TG09851140 |
Copyright © Jonathan Neville 2007 |