Upper Hellesdon postmill |
Upper Hellesdon post mill buck was set on a large 3 storey roundhouse and used patent sails turned to wind by a fantail to power 2 pairs of French burr stones and a flour mill. A baking office and shop were operated on the premises. The shop faced the Aylsham Road with the mill standing further back. |
Upper Hellesdon post mill was first known to be mentioned in an advert in 1822, when a Freehold messuage near Batson’s mill was for sale. The miller at the time was Edward Batson. He was born c.1793 at Wymondham, Norfolk, |
Sale of Property by Messrs. Pigg on 13 March 1822 |
A tramp called on Edward Batson on the 3rd January 1823, causing some distress to the family. He was removed to the Bridewell but died that night. |
Saturday last an inquisition was taken at the Bridewell in this city, before Wm. Bell, Gent. Coroner, on view of the body of Robt. Blogg, aged 65, a vagrant, belonging to Erpingham, in this county. It was proved in evidence that the deceased called at the house of Mr. Batson, in the hamlet of Hellesdon, on Friday evening last, about six o'clock: where his conduct and appearance were such as to cause the family so much unpleasantness, that Mr. Batson had him apprehended, and he was taken to the Bridewell, where he was put to bed, and next morning was found to be no more. No marks of violence appearing on the body, the Jury returned a verdict of - Died by the visitation of God. |
To be Sold by Private Contract |
The mill was marked on the 1824 map. Edward Batson was bankrupt and petitioning for relief in 1833. |
The Court for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors |
The Matters of the Petitions and Schedules of the Prisoners hereinafter named (the same having been filed in the Court) are appointed to be heard as follows. – |
Norfolk Chronicle - 26th October 1833 |
The mill was marked on the 1834 and 1838 maps. Edward Batson was listed in Billy’s Directory of 1842 as being in St. Faith’s Lane, Upper Hellesdon. He was in Court in 1844 for the non-payment of rates. |
POOR RATES. Edward Batson, of Hellesdon, was summoned for £1. 13s. 9d. – Mr. J. H. TILLETT appeared for the defendant, and after a good deal of argument with Mr. KERRISON respecting the legality of the rate, the case was adjourned till Wednesday following. |
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Upper Hellesdon smockmill to northeast of Upper Hellesdon postmill Upper Hellesdon Press Lane postmill marked as St. Clement's Manning's 1834 map as redrawn by Harry Apling |
Edward Batson discovered a theft from a granary he occupied in 1848. |
Wheat Stealing. – A curious case of wheat stealing, in which the party robbed had been applied to, to buy his own wheat, was heard before the city Magistrates, on Thursday. Robt. Sidney and Wm. Frost, both of Cossey, were charged with having been concerned in the robbery, under the following circumstances: - Mr. Batson has a granary in King-street, from which a quantity of wheat was supposed to have been stolen on Monday last. Frost, it appeared, took a coomb of wheat to the Bee Hive public house, in St. Benedict’s on the following day. The landlord gave a sample of it to a person named Walker, who on Wednesday offered the wheat for sale to Mr. Batson, asking 23s. per coomb for it, and showing the sample, Mr. Batson thought he knew his own wheat again, as it was a peculiar sort, and after making enquiries about it, he directed the landlord of the Bee Hive to detain the wheat. Information was given to the police, and Frost was asked how the wheat came into his possession. He first stated, that it had come from Sidney, and when he was asked about it he said, that one day, a stranger, in King-street, had put it on his cart for pig’s victuals, and, on the following morning, he found it was wheat. Mr. Batson produced a sample of the wheat, from the bulk, which, compared with that offered for sale, appeared to be the very same. Both the prisoners were remanded. |
Norwich Police – Guildhall |
The two men named Robert Sidney and William Frost, of Costessey, who had been remanded, were again brought up on a charge of having stolen a coomb of wheat. – Mr. Staff appeared for the prosecution, and Mr. Bates, of Whissonsett, as the prosecutor. – Mr. Atkinson appeared for the defence. |
Christmas Robert Sidney, (40), and Wm. Frost, (45), were indicted, for having stolen one sack and one coomb of wheat, the property of Robert Bates, of Whissonsett. – Mr. W. Cooper and Mr. Drury prosecuted; and Mr. Evans defended Sidney; and Mr. Carlos Cooper defended Frost. Mr. Robert Bates had a granary in St. Anne’s Lane, King-street, where, before January 14th, he had 30 coombs of wheat, and in consequence, he had his wheat in the granary measured. He compared the wheat shown him by Steward to what was in his granary, and he believed the to be the same wheat. Steward had shown him a sack which he believed to be his property. – Thomas Jacobs, of St. Julian’s, a porter, had measured the wheat in the granary after the prisoners were apprehended. He found 29 coombs and one bushel. He measured some out of a sack shown him by Steward – three bushels and one peck; the wheat in the sack and the wheat in the granary correspond exactly. It appeared, from other witnesses, that Frost had left a sack of wheat (to be sold for 23s.) at Mr. Rackhams, innkeeper, St. Benedict’s, where he usually put up; and on Inspector Steward’s inquiring about it, it was shown him. He took a sample, and sealed up the sack; and went, the next day, and apprehended Frost, -- who said, after some hesitation, that he had the wheat from Sidney. Inspector Barrett, who was with Steward, then went and apprehended the other prisoner, and with him to Frost’s, Steward asked Sidney if he could account for the sack of wheat? He replied, that he went for coals down a lane opposite Thompson’s brew-office, in King-street, and the wheat was put on his cart; he thought it was pig’s victuals. Inspector Barrett observed to him “That is quite a different tale to what you told me; you said you had sent no wheat to Norwich.” Sidney said “If I said so I did not mean it.” He said George Orford put the sack on his cart; he took the sack home, and on the next morning when he unloaded his cart he found it was wheat. Mr. EVANS put to the Court, that, if Sidney’s statement was taken at all, the whole of it must be taken, and that he had got the wheat from Orford, who had run away. The RECORDER said, it was quite clear, that one of the prisoners must have been a receiver, and therefore entitled to an acquittal as a principal. The question was, whether they were not both receivers. Orford did not appear to be a fictitious character, and he did not consider that there was a case against the prisoners to go before a jury as principals. They were acquitted. Norfolk Chronicle - 25th March 1848 |
The mill was put up for auction in April 1849, after the owner Robert Wakeling, died. |
Windmill and Residence, |
A Capital WINDMILL, with Round-house, substantial brick and tiled Dwelling-house, Outbuildings, and Land, as occupied by Mr. Edward Batson. |
Edward Batson was listed in Hunt and Co.’s Directory of 1850 as a miller at Upper Hellesdon. The mill was again for auction in January 1850. |
TWO-THIRDS of the Purchase Money may remain on Security at 4½ per cent. |
The mill was advertised again on the day of the sale as being late in the occupation of Edward Batson. Despite this, Edward Batson continued at the mill for some years. In 1851 he was given as a master miller and merchant aged 58 living in Aylsham Road, Hellesdon with his wife C. C., 55. He was listed in White’s Directory of 1854 as a miller in Magdalen Street and in Melville’s Directory of 1856 as a corn and seed merchant; and corn miller at Hellesdon. He was involved in a Court case in 1859, when he alleged that he had not been paid for some meat he had sold. |
Peremptory Sale. |
A PIG’S LEG. – The plaintiff in the case of Mr. Edward Batson v. James Boardman, is a miller, and the defendant an extensive grain merchant in Norwich. The suit was instituted to recover 8s. 7d., being the price of a leg of pork sold to the defendant so far back as the 16th of March, 1855. Mr. Boardman admitted both ordering and receiving the pork, but stated that he paid for it on delivery. He got a receipt for it at the time, which was put into his cashbox, but which had afterwards been stolen. He produced, however, a memorandum that he had made of the payment when the pork was delivered, which sufficiently satisfied the Judge, who non-suited the plaintiff. Norfolk Chronicle - 30th July 1859 |
Edward Batson was again before the Courts in 1863, this time he was charged with breach of the peace. |
Before J. G. JOHNSON, R. W. BLAKE, H. WOODCOCK, F. BROWN and H. WILLETT, Esqs. BREACH OF THE PEACE. – Edward Batson, of Magdalen-street, was charged by W. H. Wells, of St. George’s, with committing a breach of the peace. Mr. A. Tillett appeared for the defendant. – Complainant said he was standing near the Post-office on Friday last, when the defendant came down the street from the Market-place. He was muttering something about having sold flour over his head, and said he would horse-whip him and take the consequences. Complainant then crossed over to the other side of the street. Defendant repeated the assertion two or three times. – In cross-examination complainant denied having heard him say “If you sell flour over my head,” and further denied having attempted to sell flour at a lower price, as alleged by the defendant. – Defendant promised, without adding any conditions, not to molest complainant, and was bound over in his own recognizances, to keep the peace for three months. Norfolk Chronicle - 31st October 1863 |
MESSRS. SPELMAN nave received instruction from the Mortgagee, to SELL by AUCTION, on Wednesday, September the 5th, 1866, at Six for Seven o'clock in the Evening, at the Norfolk Hotel, Norwich, in One Lot, A WINDMILL (winds herself), with Brick Roundhouse, two Patent Sails, drive two pairs of French Stones, Flour Mill, &c. |
Edward Batson was listed in White’s Directory of 1868 as a corn merchant in Magdalen Street. He was also listed as a corn miller and postmaster in Hellesdon. He died in March 1871. |
BATSON. – On the 19th inst., Mr. Edward Batson, many years a resident of Hellesdon, Norwich, in the 79th year of his age. Norfolk Chronicle - 25th March 1871 |
Potter Batson was the miller from 1868 to 1872. He was born c.1825 in Hellesdon and in 1861 was given as living in Aylsham Road with his parents. It appears that Potter Batson left the mill at Michaelmas 1872, and went to work for W. H. Wells at the New Mills, in Norwich. His career there ended abruptly! |
Before the MAYOR, (R. Chamberlin, Esq.), W. J. UTTEN BROWNE, F. E. WATSON, E. K. HARVEY, and J. M. VENNING, Esqs., and Dr. BATEMAN. Potter Batson, miller, of Lower Westwick-street, Heigham, was charged with stealing a bag containing 3st. 6oz. of flour, value 10s., the property of Messrs. Wells. – Mr. Sparrow prosecuted; Mr. Linay defended. – Detectives Mason and Wigley were upon the premises of Messrs. Wells on Wednesday evening. They were posted in a stable opposite the entrance of the mill, when they saw Batson come out of the mill, walk round the yard, pass the stable door where the officers were standing, and look out into the river. he returned into the mill, and came out again almost directly afterwards, bringing with him a sack containing something, which he placed by the side of a hay-stack, opposite which the officers were standing, and then returned to the mill. When he came out again, he went to the waterside, where he remained a few minutes; after which he went and took up the sack, and came into the stable where the detectives were. Mason caught hold of him, and asked him what it was he had upon his shoulder, and received a reply that it was some feed for his horse. Mason asked him whether he was the horseman, and he replied in the negative. The officer then took him into custody, and charged him with stealing the bag and its contents. The bag was subsequently examined, and found to contain 3st. 6oz of flour. – On the application of Mr. Sparrow the case was remanded till Monday next. Norfolk Chronicle - 2nd November 1872 |
Before R. CHAMBERLIN (MAYOR), E. K. HARVEY, W. J. UTTEN BROWNE AND J. M. VENNING, Esqs. Potter Batson, miller, Albert-street, Heigham, was brought up on remand on the charge of stealing a quantity of flour, the property of his employers, Messrs. Wells of the New Mills. – Mr. Brown (from the office of Messrs. Emerson and Sparrow) appeared for the prosecution; and Mr. Linay defended. – Detective Wigley having given evidence as to himself and Detective Mason apprehending the prisoner in the act of taking away the flour, Mr. Julian Wells was called and deposed to the prisoner not having any right to take the property away. – Prisoner now pleaded guilty, and Mr. Wells having recommended him to mercy at the solicitation of Mr. Linay, he was sentenced to only two months’ hard labour. Norfolk Chronicle - 9th November 1872 |
Situation Vacant |
Philip Rose was the next miller. He was born c.1825 in St. Mary’s, Norwich and was a master baker before becoming a miller. He built a Steam mill that burnt down in February 1876. |
Fires in Norwich. – Shortly before six o'clock on Thursday morning, a fire was discovered at the steam flour-mill of Mr. Philip Rose, Upper Hellesdon. It originated in a carpenter’s shop and engine-house, and spread to the adjoining mill, which together with the stores of flour, pollard, &c., the machinery and plant, was totally destroyed, only the walls and chimney being left standing; but the dwelling-house, which was near by, was fortunately preserved. The mill is insured in the Norwich Union office. |
The Late Fire at Upper Hellesdon. |
DESIRES to return thanks to Mr. Robert Hitchman, Supt. Barnard, and the Fire Brigade generally, for the timely assistance rendered by them at the late Fire on the 17th inst., and begs to assure his Customers and Friends that his Business (having another Mill at his command) will be carried on as usual. |
To the Editor, |
Philip Rose brought a Court case in June 1877 |
Before W. J. UTTEN BROWNE, Esq., and the DEPUTY MAYOR, (E. K. HARVEY, Esq.). |
Philip Rose found himself in Court in August 1878, following a late night drink in a pub. |
Philip Rose was listed in Hamilton’s Directory of 1879 as a miller & baker in Upper Hellesdon Road. |
Before W. J. UTTEN BROWNE, Esq., the DEPUTY-MAYOR (J. D. Smith, Esq.), Major MICKLETHWAIT, Dr. BATEMAN, J. BETTS, E. FIELD, R. FITCH, and E. K. HARVEY, Esqs. |
Preliminary Notice |
Notice re |
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O. S. Map 1883 Upper Hellesdon postmill to southwest and Upper Hellesdon smockmill to northeast Courtesy of NLS map images |
1822: Edward Batson, miller
1863: Edward Batson, miller
Eyre’s 1883: Philip Rose, miller & baker, Aylsham Road |
If you have any memories, anecdotes or photos please let us know and we may be able to use them to update the site. By all means telephone 07836 675369 or |
Nat Grid Ref TG22051063 |
-1822 to 1900+ |
All historical material within this page © Michael Roots & Jonathan Neville |
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